Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Premature Ejaculation- Final Word

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual problems in men. The condition is most often described as being an inability to delay ejaculation to a point when it is mutually desirable for both partners. The definition of when ejaculation is premature is subjective. While some men have difficulty controlling their orgasm before entry, females think 5-10 minutes of copulation is too little time. How long a man is able to last is not the important factor in treating premature ejaculation. The crucial issue is if both partners are satisfied with the length of coitus. If both of you are satisfied-move on with your life.

My partner has premature ejaculation. What do you think I should do to help him?

In some cases, premature ejaculation may be caused by poor communication between partners and unrealistic expectations. Many men and women have little knowledge of their partner’s sexual needs and what satisfies them. Women typically require more foreplay and prolonged stimulation than men do to reach orgasm, and this lack of understanding causes tension and undue stress. For many men, feeling anxiety and the pressure to perform frequently leads to premature ejaculation. Drug treatment is not always the answer. Best advice is to relax, understand your partner’s wants and take some time understanding each others sexual organs and erotic zones.

Are there any nutrition supplements that can treat premature ejaculation?

Everyday on the internet and glossy magazines, there are ads about nutrition supplements to treat premature ejaculation. The majority of these supplements are based on the science of quackery and do not work. If one is interested in getting adequately treated, the best advice is to avoid this hodgepodge of non-tested chemicals and see a physician. Not only are these supplements expensive but a large percentage of them are fake pills. Like most things in America- buyer beware.

I have read that prostate massage may help with premature ejaculation. Any thoughts?

Based on the technique of squeezing the tip of the penis prior to ejaculation, some experts even recommend squeezing the prostate or pulling the testis downwards. The testis and prostate gland do play a very important role in sexual arousal. The glands do get engorged and become sensitive during intercourse. The advocates of prostate squeezing claim that the prostate should be massaged just prior to ejaculation. 

Squeezing of the prostate is done to decrease  pleasurable sensations and prevent ejaculation. This completely idiotic stupid idea should not be propagated. Prostate squeezing and testicle pulling is not safe and can cause serious injuries to internal organs and be very painful. The advocates of this technique, have obviously, never had their prostate/testes squeezed.

My therapist suggests that hypnosis may help my premature ejaculation. What do you think?

Hypnosis is Bullshit. It does not work for anything or anyone (unless you a gullible fool and retarded). Secondly, you do not want to go to sleep while having sex, do you? And third, are you going to have the hypnotist in another room or the same room as your partner, before attempting sex?

Some individuals indicate that hypnosis has been helpful in the treatment of premature ejaculation. However all these data are anecdotal and have no scientific basis. As to how hypnosis prevents premature ejaculation remains a mystery. Most men claim that in the lethargic or sedated state they are no longer able to have an erection nor have any sexual desire. This is not a recommended therapy today.

I have heard that certain sexual positions may prevent premature ejaculation. Is this true?

Some sexologists maintain that the entire problem can be solved by changing the position for sexual intercourse. It is said that the "missionary" position (man on top of the female) is not the best position while attempting to control ejaculation. One should reverse the position by letting the female be on top. Everyone agrees that ejaculation is delayed in this position, but females claim that they have difficulty reaching orgasm in this position. So alternating the position and squeezing the tip of the penis may be part of the answer.

Are condoms of any help for premature ejaculation?

Wearing ultra thick condoms has also been suggested as a remedy for premature ejaculation. The condom reduces sensitivity of the penis and prevents rapid arousal. Some claim that wearing two condoms may be required at times to decrease the penile sensitivity. Condom use also protects against STDs. However, many individuals claim that they frequently ejaculate while trying to get the condom on.